How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Isaiah 52:7

Ecuador Partnership

JST Baptist Association is currently in an 10 year partnership with a church in Sigchos, Ecuador.  When we began in 2011, the area had no evangelical church and was considered to be less than 2% Evangelical.  Through our ministry time there, we have seen God assemble a team (comprised of locals & our team) to plant a church that is now growing & reaching their community and seeking to plant churches in surrounding areas.  The church,”Blessing and Life Evangelical Christian Church of Sigchos,” is connected to the local Baptist Association and also the Ecuador Baptist Convention.

We send multiple teams during the year.

Land Between the Lakes Area Ministry

LBL Area Ministry exists to coordinate the religious concerns and resources of the vast Kentucky-Tennessee vacation land related to Kentucky and Barkley Lakes.

Campground Worship is conducted each Sunday morning from April through October at Kentucky Dam State Park Campground, Hillman Ferry, Piney and Wrangler in the TVA National Recreation Area between the lakes. Campground worship is conducted each Sunday morning from Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends at Paris Landing State Park in Tennessee, Lake Barkley State Park Lodge, Canal Campground and Kenlake State Park Campground. This ministry is supported primarily by the free will offerings of those participating in the worship services. The minister’s services are volunteer.

LBL Area Ministry functions under the direction of a Coordinating Council made up of individuals with religious responsibilities within the region. All programs and services of this ministry are inter-denominational in nature.


JST Baptist Association Disaster Relief

JST’s relief team serves locally, nationally, and internationally.

JST Disaster Relief is a ministry of the Executive Board of the JST Baptist Association which has assigned responsibility and accountability for this ministry to the Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief and Southern Baptist Convention. 

Responsibilities and Duties

  1. Work with TBDR.
  2. Work with Regional Representatives in development of credentialing process for Units within ministry area.
  3. Maintain knowledge of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief policies,    procedures and developments for ministry areas.  Communicate information to churches.


Women’s Missionary Union

“For more than 125 years, WMU has devoted itself to making disciples of Jesus who live on mission. We are dedicated to working with churches and believers to accomplish the mission of God.”

JST’s WMU is made up of women across the association. The WMU is involved in different activities throughout the year.